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Athletic Yoga: Matt Giordano Yoga For Runners

Athletic Yoga: Matt Giordano Yoga For Runners


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Team with Matt Giordano to build flexibility, strength and a competitive edge...

Yoga instructor Matt Giordano leverages his experience as a runner, knowledge of bio-mechanics, and integrative mind and body techniques in a runner's yoga series created to elevate performance and provide balance to the sport's high-impact intensity.

Includes three (3) practices to improve your run!

Pre-Run Practice (20 minutes):
Focused pre-run sequence helps prepare critical joints and muscles for a safer, freer running experience.

Yoga for Conditioning (20 minutes):
Off-day yoga workout features a series of poses that help realign the bones, ease muscle tension, build overall body strength and hone a mental edge.

Post-Run Practice (20 minutes):
Work the major muscle groups, release tension, speed recovery and connect to the joy of the run.

Bonus: Pose Details for a Deeper Stretch & Injury Prevention (5 minutes):
Matt takes it to the next level with detailed instructions for a deeper stretch. These 1-2 minute bonus segments will give you the tools to relax tight muscles and avoid common running injuries.
*Healthy Shins - Strengthen & stretch the shin
*Lizard Pose - Stretch out the groin and the thighs at the same time
*Hamstring Secrets - Loosen tight hamstrings with this series of forward folds
*Soleful Stretch - Strengthen the muscles of the foot to help prevent plantar fascitis

Price: $14.99
Title: Athletic Yoga: Matt Giordano Yoga For Runners
Release date: March 2015
Language: English
Editor: KOCH
UPC : 018713616227
Renaud-Bray Reference: 752400334
Item nb: 1681620

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